Monday, September 8, 2008

Winds of Change in Malaysia's Political Landscape

According to a local poll conducted a few days ago, 86% of the respondents believed that Anwar Ibrahim could unseat Abdullah Badawi and the ruling National Front (BN) from the reigns of power on Malaysia Day, 16th September. While I would welcome the 'regime change' from BN to PR (the People's Front), deep inside me I have overwhelming apprehensions about Anwar's real political orientation and allegiance of his premiership as he is purported to have stricken well-endowed acquaintances with US heavyweights such as Al Gore, a former US Vice President, and Paul Wolfowitz, a former Chief of the World Bank, among others. Wolfowitz, if you would recall, was the US State Department Chief for Asia Desk during the Reaganite administration. Ronald Wilson Reagan was the 40th President of the US from 1981 through 1989. Surely Anwar was no stranger to Wolfowitz then as Malaysia , being part of Asia, was directly under the latter's 'thumb'.
If Anwar eventually turns out to be the new Prime Minister of Malaysia, I am eager to see whether Anwar would, upon his elevation, immediately scramble to fly to Washington to pay his personal homage to George W Bush, and subsequently ratify the Free Trade Agreement with the US soon after.
My big question is whether Anwar will be instrumental to expanding US hegemony to Malaysia wholesale, or what ?



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