A Threat to the Economic Stability & National Security
But I am overwhelmingly disturbed by Abdullah's accusation of Anwar Ibrahim being a threat to the economic stability and the national security of Malaysia. Is this a way to prepare the minds of the people at large that Anwar would soon be detained under the ISA ? Is this a credible pretext to silence Anwar politically forever ?
Anwar has failed miserably in his claim of wresting power from the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) on 16th September which despairingly went by uneventful. But he still maintains that he has the numbers to effect the change in government anytime soon. His persistent claim of having the support of at least 31 MPs from the BN must have pricked Abdullah's conscience to acting immediately in response. Is detention under ISA the answer to frustrate Anwar in his quest to become the next prime minister ?
Labels: Politics